Call for papers: Budgeting in A Crises | Macroeconomy Relief Policies
Government responses to crises, economic fallout, business cycle recessions, and shocks largely diverge. Responses vary depending on the nature of the shock and country circumstances. Adding up the different measures, such as tax and spending, loans and guarantees, monetary instruments, and foreign exchange operations, makes it challenging to assess the efficiency of the aggregate policy environment and crisis-contamination measures.
We are especially interested in submissions covering topics that include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following issues:
M&S Research Hub in collaboration with Infinity Sum Modeling (USA) and AGIR (Algeria and France) invites economists and professionals to submit theoretical and applied papers in all areas of economics and finance for presentation at the 2021 virtual GEC conference. Papers discussing pre-identified topics are particularly welcomed.
*All conference lectures and sessions will be held online.
*Submission Deadline: 15 October 2021
*Attendance and presentation slots are limited to 100 seats
1- All accepted papers will be published in M&S Research Hub's MSR Working paper series (ISSN 2748-3916, RePEc and SSRN indexed).
2- The best paper award is open to all accepted papers submitted by doctoral students. Author(s) of the winning paper will receive a certificate and monetary award of 500$.
2- Accepted conference papers will be considered for publication at the conference special issue at the Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN 1911-8074). All conference papers will receive a discount on publication charges ranging from 30% up to 100%, depending on the quality of the paper and publication records of the authors.
6-7 November 2021
Christian Mueller (Jacobs University Bremen)
Marek Dabrowski (Higher School of Economics in Moscow HSE University)
Luis Artavia-Mora (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Your contact person: Events Team (
call us at +49 (0) 56149941680, WhatsApp us at +49 (0) 17686387586 or chat with us during our working hours
Stay Updated
* Registration link will only be provided for authors of accepted papers. Because of limited slots, registration needs to be completed during one week from receipt of the acceptance notification, otherwise, the paper will be automatically excluded from the conference program.
Presenter registration fees : 140 €
Presenter registrtaion fees: 85 €