Study in Germany


We provide all support and guidance for students who are willing to earn their next degree from top universities in Germany.



Compared to other EU countries, the UK, and the US, Germany has many full and partial scholarships for international students to cover living costs, tuition fees, and german language courses.


Free education

German universities offer excellent teaching, ranking among the best in the world, with nearly zero tuition fees.


Job market

The employment rate is very high, if you fail to get a scholarship, you will eventually get a student job besides your study with a good salary, very low-income taxes, and a complete social safety package of insurance, pension, and other benefits.


Settlemet after graduation

Big chances to be employed after graduation. As after completing your degree, you automatically get a one-year and a half residence to search for a job in your field.

Our dedicated staff of multilingual officers will provide full support in:

  •  Applying for the best study programs in your field of interest to complete your next degree in Germany (High school (Abitur)New, Bachelor's, Masters's, and Ph.D.)

  • Applying for potential scholarships, financing programs, and other funding options.

  • Preparing the required admission documents, especially for Ph.D. degree applicants. Documents such as a cover letter and research proposal are critical to leave a good impression and to get an invitation letter from an academic host.

  • Preparing student visa applications, searching for accommodation, and other formalities related to traveling to Germany.

John Riveros (Colombia)

Postgraduate student at Munich University (WS 2021/2022)

I am very satisfied with the study support of M&S Research Hub, it has provided me with detailed information on how to proceed in order to get admission in German universities, it's like accomplishing a dream

Muhammad Arif (Pakistan)

Master's student at Gießen University (WS 2021/2022)

Having a dream of studying in Germany and without having the services of M&S Research Hub is like eating ice cream without a spoon. During my application process, the only thing I did was to provide my details to the team and they took care of the rest of the process and in the end, I got the lucky news about my admission
