Deadline: 9 May 2025
Click to Download the detailed Workshop Brochure.
Policy Areas of Interest to the Saudi Economy
To enable participants to simulate demand and supply changes in key economic sectors, including energy, construction, technology, logistics, and tourism, to inform policy-making decisions and strategic planning.
This online workshop will utilize up-to-date Input-Output (I/O) and Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) tables to conduct various simulations pertaining to policy shocks relevant to Saudi Arabia. These simulations will cover a range of topics, including changes in tariffs, adjustments to VAT rates, simulations of the energy market, investments in artificial intelligence (AI), and more.
To equip public officials, researchers and academic staff with the skills and knowledge necessary for conducting comprehensive policy analysis and economic modeling tailored to the Saudi Arabian context.
To provide practical training on utilizing GTAP and GAMS software for conducting policy simulations and analyzing the economic impacts of various policy changes.
and GTAP
facilitated, offering participants the opportunity to ask questions and engage in extended discussions.
recommendations will be provided, which can be utilized in reports, white papers, and policy briefs.
M. Ivanic is a distinguished Senior CGE Fellow at the M&S Research Hub, an Adjunct Professor at Boston University, a Senior GTAP Fellow, and an accomplished Senior Agricultural Economist with experience at USA Gov.
He brings a wealth of experience from his tenure within both national (U.S. Government) and international government organizations (International Finance Corporation and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank Group).With over two decades of expertise in CGE and
Macroeconomic Modeling, Maros has authored over 100 highly cited articles, establishing himself as one of the foremost CGE modelers and consultants globally.
For Absolute Beginners with no background in Applied Macroeconomic and CGE modeling.
Training 1. Intro. to CGE in GTAP view course page
Training 2- Linear, NLP and Intro. to GAMS view course page
Training 3- Intro to CGE in GAMS view course page
Training 4- Advanced CGE in GAMS, GTAP, and R
view course page
Training 5- CGE Policy Tutorials with applications to the KSA economy (June 2025)
Category 1: Public Officials, and researchers affiliated with Gov. organizations: 8450 Euros
Category 2: Academic Staff and independent consultants: 6800 Euros
Category 3: Postgraduate students: 3950 Euros
1- Attending all live and online preparatory courses, and participating in the live workshop "CGE Modeling with Applications to Saudi
Arabia in GTAP and GAMS".
2- Receiving comprehensive course materials including literature, slides, codes, Input-Output (IO) tables, and datasets.
3- Participants will have access to recorded video sessions of each course for three months.
4- Upon completion of the program, participants will be awarded a certified certificate encompassing all attended courses.
+49 0 17686387586
+49 0 15225886301
For participants seeking a "refresher", it is assumed they possess a moderate background in Applied Macroeconomic modeling, as well as familiarity with CGE in GTAP and GAMS.
1- Refresher course on CGE in GTAP and GAMS (May 2025)
Category 1: Public Officials, and researchers affiliated with Gov. organizations: 4820 Euros
Category 2: Academic Staff and independent consultants: 3760 Euros
Category 3: Postgraduate students: 1350 Euros
1- Attending all live and online preparatory courses, and participating in the live workshop "CGE Modeling with Applications to Saudi
Arabia in GTAP and GAMS".
2- Receiving comprehensive course materials including literature, slides, codes, Input-Output (IO) tables, and datasets.
3- Participants will have access to recorded video sessions of each course for three months.
4- Upon completion of the program, participants will be awarded a certified certificate encompassing all attended courses.
+49 0 17686387586
+49 0 15225886301
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