Econometrics Offline Training

Library of offline, self-paced courses

Explore comprehensive offline econometrics courses. Designed for all proficiency levels, choose your preferred access plan and enjoy the benefits of self-paced learning at its best.

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Single Course

*Explore available courses

*Pick your course and pay its access fees 

*The package include watching the videos online for 3 months and downloading all associated codes, slides and material

*Certificate of enrollment after completing your target courses

Monthly Plan

*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 1 month

*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.

*99.90€ /Month

* Monthly cancellable

6-Month Plan

*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 6 months

*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.

*390.90€ /6 Months


Annual Plan

*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 1 year

*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.

*690€ / year

Starter level

Number of offline classes: 1

Enrolled trainees: 230

Basic Econometrics   

"Complete course on the basis of econometrics using real data applications on STATA "

Complete content: 4 Videos

Total duration:  540 Minutes

Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for only 72 € and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Topic 1: Econometrics as a validity tool: Power of rejection, correlation V.s. causality, and Benchmarks

Topic 2: Classical Linear Regression Assumptions and Hypothesis testing

Topic 3: Single and Multiple regression

Topic 4: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): estimators calculation, efficiency, and unbiasedness estimators.

Topic 5: Specification problems: detection and remedy: e.g Autocorrelation, Hetrosk., Collinearity.

Topic 6: Dummy Variable Models - Setting up the models and interpretations

Topic 7: Weighted Least Square (WLS) and Generalised Least square (GLS).

Intermediate level

Number of offline classes: 4

Enrolled trainees: 980

Time Series Econometrics 

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of  wide selection of time series models with detailed real data applications on STATA "

Complete content: 6 Videos

Total duration:  1500 Minutes

Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for only 174 € and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Topic 1:Time Series Econometrics: Introduction, preparing dataset and data description

Topic 2: Stationarity and model selection criteria

Topic 3: Cointegration and causality 

Topic 4: HP filter and cyclical decomposition

Topic 5: HAC estimators 

Topic 6: ARDL models

Topic 7: Volatility models: ARCH and GARCH

Topic 8: Stationary time series models: VAR, VECM, VARX, and SVAR

Topic 9: In and out of sample forecasting

Topic 10: Introduction to Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS)

Difference in Difference 

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of the DID model with detailed real & simulated data applications on STATA "

Complete content: 8 Videos

Total duration: 150 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for only 119 € and get instant access.

Discount code: IJD04

Video 1: Course description and introduction to PSM

Video 2: Treatment effect on the treated and PSM

Video 3: Calculating the propensity score

Video 4:  Options to use in STATA related to PSM

Video 5: Reviewing the problems of LPM and the benefits of Logit and Probit

Video 6: Applying t effects to estbalish the ATE

Video 7: Applying t effects to estbalish ATET

Video 8: A test of the covariance balance psmacth2 and final considerations

Panel Data Econometrics 

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of a wide selection of panel data models with detailed real data applications on STATA "

Complete content: 6 Videos

Total duration: 2100 Minutes

Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for only 210 € and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Topic 1: Panel data: Introduction, preparing dataset and data description

Topic 2: Panel specification tests (Chow, wald, panel unit root, Hausman, etc.)

Topic 3: Pooled OLS, fixed, dynamic fixed & random-effects models.

Topic 4: Dynamic panel models: DPD, panel VAR & GMM

Topic 5: IV models

Topic 6: Panel ARDL

Topic 7: Panel Data for Limited dependent variables

Topic 8: DCC under GMM

Topic 9: Dynamic Threshold

Topic 10: Intro to Global VAR

Complete content: 7 Videos

Total duration: 153 Minutes

Software codes, Materials and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for only 132 € and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Video 1: Course description and introduction to DiD

Video 2: Treatment effect and DiD estimator

Video 3: TOT and application of basic DiD model

Video 4: Fixed effects and DiD approach

Video 5: Combination of fixed effects and DiD

Video 6: Applying all togeather

Video 7: Final interpretations

Propensity Score Matching  

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of the PSM model with detailed real data applications on STATA" 

Advanced level

Number of offline classes: 8

Enrolled trainees: 1620

Bayesian SVAR & Regime Switching Models Using R & STATA   

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of Bayesian SVAR and Markov switching models with practical applications on R and STATA"

Complete content: 10 Videos

Total duration:  300 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 310€ and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Topic 1: Course description and brief into to structural equations

Topic 2: Intro. to structual VAR

Topic 3: Coding in R - SVAR application

Topic 4: Coding in STATA - SVAR application

Topic 5: Bayesian inference

Topic 6: Theoretical background on Bayesian inference, Bayesian SVAR and Switching models 1

Topic 7: Theoretical background on Bayesian inference, Bayesian SVAR and switching models 2

Topic 8: Bayesian SVAR and Markov Models - Coding in R

Topic 9: Extra notes and Q&A session

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using STATA   

"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of PCA with practical applications on STATA"

Complete content: 3 Videos

Total duration:  300 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 120€ and get instant access. 

Discount code: IJD04

Topic 1: Mathematical Concepts used in PCA e.g. Eigenvectors and values, etc

Topic 2: Theoretical foundations of PCA: setting data set 

Topic 3: Transforming the data and Covariance matrix formulation

Topic 4: Calculate Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues using the covariance matrix

Topic 5: Choosing components and forming a feature vector

Topic 6: Step by step codes for PCA on STATA

Topic 7: Explaining the inference of the results

Topic 8: Deriving principal components from the data

Wavelets and Quantile on Quantile

"Complete Course on Wavelets and Quantile methods with practical applications on R and Matlab"

Complete content: 7 Videos

Total duration:  420 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 115€ and get instant access. 

Topic 1 Introduction to R-Programming Language and R-studio Interface

Topic 2:  The basic concept of Wavelet and its applications

Topic 3: Decomposition and plotting of the series using the MODWT method.

Topic 4: Wavelet correlation, wavelet covariance, and cross-wavelet correlation

Topic 5: Continuous wavelet transform and cross wavelet transform

Topic 6: Wavelet coherence  and partial wavelet coherence 

Topic 7: Introduction to quantile on quantile and quantile autoregressive distributed lags error correction model to times series

Topic 8: Granger causality in Quantile on Quantile regression

Topic 9: Non-parametric quantile methods 

Bayesian for Research & Data Science

"Complete Course on Bayesian methods with practical applications on Python"

Complete content: 5 Videos

Total duration:  540 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 145€ and get instant access. 

Topic 1 Introduction and setup

Topic 2:  Probability theory

Topic 3: Model inference

Topic 4: Probalistical programming

Topic 5: Bayesian AB testing

Topic 6: Hierarchical models

Topic 7: Simple linear regression

Topic 8: Hierarchical linear regression

Topic 9: Logistic regression

Topic 10: Bayesian Neural network

Introduction to Machine Learning

"Complete Intro. Course on Machine learning with practical applications on Python and Colab"

Complete content: 5 Videos

Total duration:  177 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 55€ and get instant access. 

Topic 1: Introduction, Data structures, Statistics, and linear algebra

Topic 2: Solving system of equations, Optimization, and automatic differentiation

Topic 3: Gradient Descent, Gradient Descent optimization

Topic 4: Implementing Ordinary Least Squares, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Topic 5: Artificial Neural Networks, Mathematics of ANNs, Implementation, and a few examples

Topic 6: Machine Learning Algorithms,

Topic 7: Bootstrap Aggregation

Topic 8: Gradient Boosting

Introduction to CGE Modeling

""Mini-Course on CGE with an introduction to GTAP/GEMPACK"

Complete content: 8 Videos

Total duration:  70 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for 19.99$ and get instant access. 

Topic 1: Introduction and Course Agenda

Topic 2: CGE modeling definition, uses, and scope

Topic 3: Difference between CGE, PE and Econometrics

Topic 4: CGE Model Structure

Topic 5: CGE Model steps

Topic 6: Walras Law 

Topic 7: Intro. to GTAP database

Topic 8: Running the first simulation

Topic 9: SAM and IO Tables+Practical Calibration exercises

R for Econometrics

"Complete Practical Course on using R for econometric analysis"

Complete content: 6 Videos

Total duration:  660 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for Only 65€ (limited time offer until mid-July) and get instant access. 

Topic 1: Introduction and Data in R 

Topic 2: Regression Analysis in R

Topic 3: Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Analysis, Volatility models (ARIMA and GARCH systems) and Multivariate Endogenous Models (VAR Family)

Topic 4: Cross-section and Panel Data Analysis: Fixed, Random effects, and Dynamic models GMM.

Topic 5: Quantile Regression

Topic 6: Parametrics Regressions, linear regression, logistic regression, probit regression, and negative binomial regressions

Topic 7: Nonparametrics Regressions: splines and kernel regressions

Python for Econometrics

"Complete Practical Course on using Python for econometric analysis"

Complete content: 4 Videos

Total duration:  210 Minutes

Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free

Unlock the full course for Only 45€ (limited time offer until mid-July) and get instant access. 

Topic 1: Introduction and Data Processing in Python

Topic 2: Linear Regression Analysis in R

Topic 3: Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Analysis, Volatility models (ARIMA and GARCH systems) and Multivariate Endogenous Models (VAR Family)

Topic 4: Cross-section and Panel Data Analysis: Fixed, Random effects, and Dynamic models GMM.

Topic 5: Intro. to Machine Learning