Explore comprehensive offline econometrics courses. Designed for all proficiency levels, choose your preferred access plan and enjoy the benefits of self-paced learning at its best.
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*The package include watching the videos online for 3 months and downloading all associated codes, slides and material
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*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 1 month
*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.
*99.90€ /Month
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*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 6 months
*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.
*390.90€ /6 Months
*Unlimited access for all courses in the library for 1 year
*The package include watching the videos online and downloading all associated codes, slides and material.
*690€ / year
Basic Econometrics
"Complete course on the basis of econometrics using real data applications on STATA "
Complete content: 4 Videos
Total duration: 540 Minutes
Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for only 72 € and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Topic 1: Econometrics as a validity tool: Power of rejection, correlation V.s. causality, and Benchmarks
Topic 2: Classical Linear Regression Assumptions and Hypothesis testing
Topic 3: Single and Multiple regression
Topic 4: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): estimators calculation, efficiency, and unbiasedness estimators.
Topic 5: Specification problems: detection and remedy: e.g Autocorrelation, Hetrosk., Collinearity.
Topic 6: Dummy Variable Models - Setting up the models and interpretations
Topic 7: Weighted Least Square (WLS) and Generalised Least square (GLS).
Time Series Econometrics
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of wide selection of time series models with detailed real data applications on STATA "
Complete content: 6 Videos
Total duration: 1500 Minutes
Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for only 174 € and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Topic 1:Time Series Econometrics: Introduction, preparing dataset and data description
Topic 2: Stationarity and model selection criteria
Topic 3: Cointegration and causality
Topic 4: HP filter and cyclical decomposition
Topic 5: HAC estimators
Topic 6: ARDL models
Topic 7: Volatility models: ARCH and GARCH
Topic 8: Stationary time series models: VAR, VECM, VARX, and SVAR
Topic 9: In and out of sample forecasting
Topic 10: Introduction to Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS)
Difference in Difference
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of the DID model with detailed real & simulated data applications on STATA "
Complete content: 8 Videos
Total duration: 150 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for only 119 € and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Video 1: Course description and introduction to PSM
Video 2: Treatment effect on the treated and PSM
Video 3: Calculating the propensity score
Video 4: Options to use in STATA related to PSM
Video 5: Reviewing the problems of LPM and the benefits of Logit and Probit
Video 6: Applying t effects to estbalish the ATE
Video 7: Applying t effects to estbalish ATET
Video 8: A test of the covariance balance psmacth2 and final considerations
Panel Data Econometrics
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of a wide selection of panel data models with detailed real data applications on STATA "
Complete content: 6 Videos
Total duration: 2100 Minutes
Software codes, materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for only 210 € and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Topic 1: Panel data: Introduction, preparing dataset and data description
Topic 2: Panel specification tests (Chow, wald, panel unit root, Hausman, etc.)
Topic 3: Pooled OLS, fixed, dynamic fixed & random-effects models.
Topic 4: Dynamic panel models: DPD, panel VAR & GMM
Topic 5: IV models
Topic 6: Panel ARDL
Topic 7: Panel Data for Limited dependent variables
Topic 8: DCC under GMM
Topic 9: Dynamic Threshold
Topic 10: Intro to Global VAR
Complete content: 7 Videos
Total duration: 153 Minutes
Software codes, Materials and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for only 132 € and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Video 1: Course description and introduction to DiD
Video 2: Treatment effect and DiD estimator
Video 3: TOT and application of basic DiD model
Video 4: Fixed effects and DiD approach
Video 5: Combination of fixed effects and DiD
Video 6: Applying all togeather
Video 7: Final interpretations
Propensity Score Matching
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of the PSM model with detailed real data applications on STATA"
Bayesian SVAR & Regime Switching Models Using R & STATA
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of Bayesian SVAR and Markov switching models with practical applications on R and STATA"
Complete content: 10 Videos
Total duration: 300 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 310€ and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Topic 1: Course description and brief into to structural equations
Topic 2: Intro. to structual VAR
Topic 3: Coding in R - SVAR application
Topic 4: Coding in STATA - SVAR application
Topic 5: Bayesian inference
Topic 6: Theoretical background on Bayesian inference, Bayesian SVAR and Switching models 1
Topic 7: Theoretical background on Bayesian inference, Bayesian SVAR and switching models 2
Topic 8: Bayesian SVAR and Markov Models - Coding in R
Topic 9: Extra notes and Q&A session
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using STATA
"Complete course on the theoretical foundations of PCA with practical applications on STATA"
Complete content: 3 Videos
Total duration: 300 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 120€ and get instant access.
Discount code: IJD04
Topic 1: Mathematical Concepts used in PCA e.g. Eigenvectors and values, etc
Topic 2: Theoretical foundations of PCA: setting data set
Topic 3: Transforming the data and Covariance matrix formulation
Topic 4: Calculate Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues using the covariance matrix
Topic 5: Choosing components and forming a feature vector
Topic 6: Step by step codes for PCA on STATA
Topic 7: Explaining the inference of the results
Topic 8: Deriving principal components from the data
Wavelets and Quantile on Quantile
"Complete Course on Wavelets and Quantile methods with practical applications on R and Matlab"
Complete content: 7 Videos
Total duration: 420 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 115€ and get instant access.
Topic 1 Introduction to R-Programming Language and R-studio Interface
Topic 2: The basic concept of Wavelet and its applications
Topic 3: Decomposition and plotting of the series using the MODWT method.
Topic 4: Wavelet correlation, wavelet covariance, and cross-wavelet correlation
Topic 5: Continuous wavelet transform and cross wavelet transform
Topic 6: Wavelet coherence and partial wavelet coherence
Topic 7: Introduction to quantile on quantile and quantile autoregressive distributed lags error correction model to times series
Topic 8: Granger causality in Quantile on Quantile regression
Topic 9: Non-parametric quantile methods
Bayesian for Research & Data Science
"Complete Course on Bayesian methods with practical applications on Python"
Complete content: 5 Videos
Total duration: 540 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 145€ and get instant access.
Topic 1 Introduction and setup
Topic 2: Probability theory
Topic 3: Model inference
Topic 4: Probalistical programming
Topic 5: Bayesian AB testing
Topic 6: Hierarchical models
Topic 7: Simple linear regression
Topic 8: Hierarchical linear regression
Topic 9: Logistic regression
Topic 10: Bayesian Neural network
Introduction to Machine Learning
"Complete Intro. Course on Machine learning with practical applications on Python and Colab"
Complete content: 5 Videos
Total duration: 177 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 55€ and get instant access.
Topic 1: Introduction, Data structures, Statistics, and linear algebra
Topic 2: Solving system of equations, Optimization, and automatic differentiation
Topic 3: Gradient Descent, Gradient Descent optimization
Topic 4: Implementing Ordinary Least Squares, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Topic 5: Artificial Neural Networks, Mathematics of ANNs, Implementation, and a few examples
Topic 6: Machine Learning Algorithms,
Topic 7: Bootstrap Aggregation
Topic 8: Gradient Boosting
Introduction to CGE Modeling
""Mini-Course on CGE with an introduction to GTAP/GEMPACK"
Complete content: 8 Videos
Total duration: 70 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for 19.99$ and get instant access.
Topic 1: Introduction and Course Agenda
Topic 2: CGE modeling definition, uses, and scope
Topic 3: Difference between CGE, PE and Econometrics
Topic 4: CGE Model Structure
Topic 5: CGE Model steps
Topic 6: Walras Law
Topic 7: Intro. to GTAP database
Topic 8: Running the first simulation
Topic 9: SAM and IO Tables+Practical Calibration exercises
R for Econometrics
"Complete Practical Course on using R for econometric analysis"
Complete content: 6 Videos
Total duration: 660 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for Only 65€ (limited time offer until mid-July) and get instant access.
Topic 1: Introduction and Data in R
Topic 2: Regression Analysis in R
Topic 3: Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Analysis, Volatility models (ARIMA and GARCH systems) and Multivariate Endogenous Models (VAR Family)
Topic 4: Cross-section and Panel Data Analysis: Fixed, Random effects, and Dynamic models GMM.
Topic 5: Quantile Regression
Topic 6: Parametrics Regressions, linear regression, logistic regression, probit regression, and negative binomial regressions
Topic 7: Nonparametrics Regressions: splines and kernel regressions
Python for Econometrics
"Complete Practical Course on using Python for econometric analysis"
Complete content: 4 Videos
Total duration: 210 Minutes
Software codes, Materials, and datasets are included for free
Unlock the full course for Only 45€ (limited time offer until mid-July) and get instant access.
Topic 1: Introduction and Data Processing in Python
Topic 2: Linear Regression Analysis in R
Topic 3: Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Analysis, Volatility models (ARIMA and GARCH systems) and Multivariate Endogenous Models (VAR Family)
Topic 4: Cross-section and Panel Data Analysis: Fixed, Random effects, and Dynamic models GMM.
Topic 5: Intro. to Machine Learning