Advanced forecasting methods using forgetting factors


Forecatsing Methods

3-Days Workshop 

 13-14, 20 April 2024


Workshop Description

Workshop Content:

This comprehensive 6-hour workshop focuses on advanced forecasting methods that leverage the innovative concept of "forgetting variables" to significantly improve predictive accuracy.

By the end of this workshop, participants will have gained a deep understanding of advanced forecasting methods using forgetting variables, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to enhance the accuracy and adaptability of their forecasting models in dynamic business environments.

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics:

    • Bayesian Analysis in the linear regression model

    • Bayesian Computation: Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm


Introduction to Forgetting Variables:

    • Understanding the concept of forgetting variables in forecasting
    • Exploring scenarios where traditional models may fall short and the need for adaptability arises.

Dynamic Time Series Modeling:

    • Techniques for capturing and modeling time series data that exhibit changing patterns over time.
    • Case studies illustrate the limitations of static models in dynamic environments.

Real-world Applications:

    • Industry-specific case studies showcasing the successful application of forgetting variables in forecasting.
    • Discussion on challenges and solutions encountered in various domains.

Model Evaluation and Validation:

    • Techniques for assessing the performance of models incorporating forgetting variables.
    • Strategies for validating the adaptability and robustness of forecasting models over time.
    • Practical guidance on implementing forgetting variables in existing forecasting frameworks.
    • Considerations for selecting the appropriate algorithms based on data characteristics and forecasting goals.

    Q&A and Discussions:

      • Interactive sessions for participants to ask questions and engage in discussions with experienced practitioners.
      • Sharing insights and best practices among participants.

    Meet The 


    William Asiedu is Economic Researcher and Program Officer with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS’) Social Accelerator Program in Tokyo, Japan. William is also a Data Analysis consultant at the Center for Data Science (GRIPS). He is a Ph.D. candidate in Policy Analysis using econometrics tools to understand forecasting models and how the open economy operates.


    • Workshop material, datasets, and software codes will be freely available to participants.
    • Earn MSR certified certificate and enhance your career and research skills.
    • Learn one of the emerging and widely used approaches for forecasting and prediction
    • A free trial version of the used software packages will be provided for participants

    Target Participants

    Consultants & Advisors

    Professionals providing consultancy or advisory services in the areas of data science, analytics, and forecasting.

    Marketing & Sales Analysts

    Professionals in marketing and sales analytics looking to enhance their predictive modeling skills for demand forecasting and campaign planning.


    Researchers and educators in the fields of data science, statistics, and business who want to stay informed about the latest advancements in forecasting methods.


    Standard fees: 380  Euros

    Discounted fees (participants from M&S Research Hub list of developing countries): 96 Euros

    Affiliates and former trainees: Free of Charge

    Registration Deadline 20 March 2024

    Questions and Other Inquiries

    Contact us at

    Chat with us during our working hours Monday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM,

    WhatsApp/Tel. +49 017686387586

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