IO-SAM Nexus


For direct application and uses to Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling, this service supports policymakers, researchers, and institutions in crafting high-quality Input-Output (IO) and Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) using standardized tools and methodologies for accurate and consistent data.

Custom Toolkits

Tailored to your country's or organization's data requirements for SAM construction and updates.

Standardized Frameworks

Harmonized procedures and classification systems to ensure consistency across data sources.

Disaggregated Analysis

Comprehensive breakdowns of production activities, labor (by education levels), households (by rural/urban areas and income levels), and key economic sectors.

Our Services

Input Output / SAM

Comprehensive solutions for data collection, constructing and updating Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) and Input-Output (IO) Tables to support economic modeling and analysis.

Tailored SAM and IO Table Construction / Advanced Disaggregation / Data Integration and Validation / Training and Support

CGE & DSGE Training

Gain hands-on experience in Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling through our expert-led training programs. Learn model construction, policy simulation, and real-world applications tailored to economic analysis, trade, and climate impact studies.

CGE in GAMS / CGE in GTAP / PE models / DSGE

CGE/DSGE Model Design

Designing custom Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) and DSGE models to address complex economic challenges, soundly respond to internal and external shocks, and derive sound and forward-looking policy decisions. 

Model Customization / GAMS MIRO user interface

Robust Data Integration / Advanced Features:

Expert Training & Support

Sustainability and Environment 

provides organizations with comprehensive analyses to address climate challenges, ensure sustinability, and optimize the production process while complying with environmental laws and regulations.

Impact Assessments / Surveys /

Actionable Insights / Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Selected Projects & Training


  • CGE training and consultancy for the WRI Team of Indonesia.


  • CGE GTAP training and consultancy for the modeling team in the Scottish government.
  • CGE model design and comprehensive training on using GEMPACK GTAP BIO and GTAP E databases for assessing the economic effects of adopting new agricultural cropping techniques for Eco-Engineers Corporation in the USA.
  • World Bank CGE modeling to analyze the full set of policy measures being proposed to address the financial and BoP crises.
  • CGE modeling and economy-wide impact assessments and forecasting of the Digital Economy reforms agenda in Saudi Arabia.
  • World Bank CGE modeling for economy-wide impact assessments of the economic convergence and energy sector reform agenda in the 8 countries of WAEMU: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.
  • World Bank CGE modeling for economy-wide impact assessments of carbon pricing initiatives in the Philippines. 
  • CGE model design and training to model a new wage system and assess the labor market dynamics for the Ministry of Economy in Brazil.
  • Senior consultation for the design and forecast of Monetary policies using General Equilibrium modeling for a team from the Central Bank of  Egypt.
  • CGE model design and comprehensive training for measuring and setting energy pricing/Carbon emissions for KPMG-Malaysia. 

Contact & Pricing

Rates are subject to each project/training requirement, duration, data structures, and required software. Feel free to contact us to get more information. You can also explore the existing GEM Training programs. 
