Conflict & Environment

About "The Environmental Costs of Armed Conflicts: the Enexploited Peacebuilding Opportunity" Project

Given that the majority of the literature that tends to capture the conflict-ensued environmental effects are qualitative studies. Therefore, this project's primary objective is empirically assessing different types of environmental degradation that occur during and post-high and medium intensity conflicts. In light of the analysis, this project's findings aim to advocate environmental protection not only as a means of preserving life on Earth and reducing the effects of climate change but also as a novel peacebuilding tool that could bring together disputing parties and recreate their sense of common identities. The planned spatial, qualitative, and quantitive analysis aims to examine a wide scope of post-conflict environmental degradations. Some are direct costs such as infrastructure destruction, lethal weapons, irregularities of water supply and waste disposal, soil degradation, etc. Others are indirect outcomes that extend beyond damage from the fighting itself, such as meaningful disruption of environment institutions, onset initiatives, and their coordination. Additionally, the impact of displacing people to new settlement areas and the ensuing pressure on the host countries’ environmental conditions.

External Sources


- Oduniyi, S, Riveros, J, Hassan, S.M., and Citak, F. (2021). Envriomental effects of Covid 19. In process



Sherif Hassan

Nitul Desphande

Mazen Diwani

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